Mar 8, 2016 6:30PM: Tuesday committee meeting ACTPG new premises suggestions

actpg have sent us two suggestions for places we could possibly relocate to

what are they? where are they?

come along to the committee meeting this tues night 8th march to find out more!

exciting times


Hi @jellyware - are we able to get some juicy details here? Not sure I can wait until Tuesday :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t make it to the meeting. I have tickets to seen Alan Alda talk about getting involved in Science.

Can you let us know what the suggestions are here?

I updated the title to conform to the traditional space opening format… because I can!

I don’t know if @jambulance and others have seen @jellyware’s tweets, but here’s a recon pic for one of the options so far:

I was sure you guys would know what building this was straight away from the pic…

I saw one of the properties today I’m seeing the other one early next week

I will put up something over the weekend…

what’s with all the secrecy?

can you make sure that you let everyone know so other people can come along?

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CIT? No idea…

Here’s a document I wrote last time we were in this situation:

It’s 3 years old and doesn’t read super well, but it explains most of my feelings on the mater of space.

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I tried reverse google image search and also tineye…

@jellyware the lack of information isn’t really helping the committee or the membership… at least upload a photo that doesn’t have geotagging information stripped off :stuck_out_tongue:

the two suggestions are the Grant Cameron holden - 27 Mulley Street Holder


Tucana Street Giralang (near the playing fields)

here are the pics I took of the various available spaces in the grant cameron centre

I’m trying to organize an inspection of tucana st on mon or tues of next week. let me know if you would like to come

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Yes, we would like to come. Please post a new forum thread with the details of the visit when you have them.

Grant Cameron community building is an old highschool. Empty rooms seem to be carpeted classrooms.


  • wheelchair/low-mobility accees (lifts, toilets) - arthritis/disability support orgs share the building
  • good security
  • bus stop out front
  • nice building
  • parking


  • good security means carefully handing out building passes via building management process (are there limits)? After hrs access seems to need two pass holders to open the main door?
  • going outside is a bit of a trek compared to downer/gininderra house
  • nowhere for welding/heavy workshop activities that I could see (perhaps Peter saw different?)
  • 91.1 community FM lives here. Judging by the acoustic foam, we’d be wanting to avoid rooms near to them (there’s also a kick-boxing group, so it’s not all quiet neighbours)
  • wasn’t able to explore one of the corridors connecting to another building.

A great looking building! But we’d be without a heavy workshop, unless I missed something :smiley:

EDIT: there is a roller door down the right hand side of the front of the building, it might’ve been used for deliveries, not sure if there is a room behind it

Looking forward to catching up on Tuesday :smiley:

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I think you are on the money re pro’s and cons of this space

I wasn’t shown any space that would be suitable for welding. there could have been something in the basement if one exists…

security may be an issue. to get in the building after hours you need a swipe card then a key for internal doors. I did not ask how many swipe cards they would issue or if we could make our own…

the building does have “data ports” for the internet, not sure of bandwidth etc

robyn from actpg seemed to think giralang would be more suitable for our use, I’m still waiting to hear from her re an inspection on mon or tues


If there is an FM transmitter forget about the satellite ground station. HF reception will be impacted, too.

The reception systems we plan to use have little or no rejection to strong fields, even if they are several octaves away.

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I was going to dig through ACMA database to see if they transmit from here… I used to help with community FM many years ago and even then they weren’t transmitting from their studio location, but yes, indeed, it would kill our amateur radio plans if they had a transmitter there :confused:

a workmate is into this stuff. he says…

CMS Radio are using landline links to their two transmitter sites at Poppet Hill in Kowen Forest (they also have a Black Mountain licence for that frequency but they moved out of Telstra Tower with the rest of the community stations a year or so ago), and Tuggeranong Hill. They don’t have any microwave licences.

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CMS Radio’s entry is at where you’ll see two licences listed.

The first licence is 107.9FM from Tuggeranong Hill
The second licence is 91.1FM from Poppet Hill and Telstra Tower.
Some external details of the stations moving from Telstra Tower to Poppet Hill
If CMS FM were using microwave links they would have extra licences for those links. For example, take a look at 1WAY FM’s listing

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That’s great to know @jellyware, the community transmitter I helped with back in QLD used landline trunks as well.

just got told by actpg that they can’t show us giralang today, hopefully we can see it tomorrow (tues) afternoon so we can discuss it at tomorrow nights meeting…

just got another update on this from actpg

"Unfortunately I am still waiting for the keys to be returned. They have advised me we will have them by lunch time but I am not holding my breath as I was meant to receive them on Friday last week.

As soon as I received these keys I will be in contact with you"