Tonight @ian and I mounted the safety gear board.
Tonight Ian, Amr, Steve, Tony, and myself installed the large whiteboard into the ‘clean room’. I bought new whiteboard markers and cleaner thingies and magnets.
Tony put some card behind the founders plaques so the contrast was good against the off white wall.
Looking at the photo of the microwave and coffee machine the thought that springs to mind is shelf. Anybody else?
Wil5on, one of the first people to join the space after it opened in Downer (or Mordor, as it was to other ANU students), was back in town to graduate from ANU after submitting his thesis on real time video feature segmentation using some fancy graph system he built (which I’ve probably grossly misrepresented). Anyway, he’s been in Seattle working for Microsoft and, for the past three years, has been applying his computer vision skills to making the Hololens do fancy Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping using projected point clouds and cameras (again, probably not strictly accurate). He even had one of the Hololens 2 demo units with him that we got to play with.
It was seriously impressive with mind bogglingly good transforms between world space & screen space and the lowest latency head tracking I’ve ever experienced.
More importantly than all that, and the reason why were here in the changelog, he also brought stickers with him! After some furrowed brows as we tried to work out where to stick it, a decision was made that there needed to be a new sticker spot. We found some perspex that’ll look good when back-lit, mounted it using some stand offs and existing holes in the wall in the entry (above the Space Probe) and have started putting stickers on it. I intend to bring some of mine from my various travels and put them up and potentially add some LED Strips to light it up.
Please do add your own.
and if you were intending to use that perspex sheet for something else, let me know and I’ll be sure to have it replaced ASAP.
Tonight @crashman39 and I were in the Space playing with radio stuff. Steve was working on some Laura models.
I got the SDR dongle that @jambulance brought in the other night working on the Ubuntu booting Mac. Next step for this project will be to build an antenna and populate the Mac with some differs programs to capture different digital amateur radio and SSTV images.
Well over the last couple of days we have hung a tv and with a hdmi splitter it now display on both tvs
Started putting in the new bench in the work room ,where the laser cutter and 3d printer are.
Also chrisin makeing a laminated top for the bench out of the reclaimed palette wood
well from the pi jam we (Jamie,Stephen, Eyal, and my self ) got the televideo 910 working with a Raspberry Pi model 1 Via a usb serial link ,so the Televideo dumd terminal is the interface and screen for the Pi
Well done everyone !!!

I came in for a while today to start on the bench top today(it’ll take a bit longer than anticipated due to twisted timber)
So while waiting for various stages to dry I’ve made a start on some yard cleanup, including the dead tree that was fallen at the front.
Today we had the wonderful Sing come to the space and get our internet connection sorted. We will need to get a router sorted and chose an ISP but we have overcome the biggest hurdle to connecting Tucana St.
Atm we have 25meg down , and it works well
Today Chris, Ben, and I installed a new shelf.
And Ben and I started sorting out the stuff in the “clean room”
Tonight @varvara and I revived the old Discourse forum with a backup provided by Jamie!
Currently hosted in DigitalOcean but what we would really like to do is self-host on premises at the Space with coz we’re huge nerds.
Yes, this is my mo…