AGM - Saturday 29th April 2017 @ 1pm - Help nominate/vote for our next committee

Our last attempt to hold our 2016 AGM just happened to be on one of the hottest February days on record, so after a lively discussion in the morning - we all just melted and really not much point in doing anything inside or outside the space. So - Take #2

MHV is a volunteer-driven organization run on chaos, donations, and luck. Being on committee isn’t hard - we have a monthly committee meet and perhaps a few hours here and there outside of that. So if you think we could be doing better (we know that we could!) - please step up and help us keep MHV going!

2016 was an eventful year: we scored a new premises (that we somewhat urgently need to figure out how to break-even with); we received a $4,000 donation from the ACT Chief Minister that we’ll be deciding how to spend in this AGM; we received a generous donation of a Taz 5 3D Printer from LulzBot/AlephObjects; we tried to step out of the a little by participating in community events such as GovHack, BSidesCBR etc. and we’re hoping that later this year we will finally see that Glowforge laser cutter :smiley:

There’s 7 positions: president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and three “general” committee. So between us there isn’t much to do! If you can’t make it to the AGM, you can still nominate yourself for a position and vote remotely if you wish.

The Audited MHV 2015-2016 accounts are available at Financial Report 2015-2016 - Google Docs (thanks @ian )


1 pm - Order Pizza!
1:05 - President’s summary
Financial report
Vote on New committee
General Discussion including thoughts and ideas for MHV’s future:

Donations & Grants
Tool wishlist
Workshop wishlist
Spending Grant money -

###Minutes of AGM: 29/4/2017
With thanks/reference to Paul’s Notes:

12 Members attended the AGM forming a quorum under MHV’s association rules.

President’s Report and Welcome

  • Jamie Reid as President opened the meeting at 1:15pm (once pizza had been ordered) and provided a brief report on the 2015/2016 Year with thanks to everyone who contributed to the move and other activities. Noted that we have to find ways to increase usage of the space and income - and that the Wednesday Electronics evening was a great user of the space at present.

  • Adam Thomas as Vice President concurred - adding that the creative and/music event was well attended as well.

General Discussion

  • General Discussion followed on topics such as: MHV’s funding model, fund raising eg. grants, space setup, storage, computer lab area, and holding regular monthly meetup in place of the monthly Tuesday night meetup.

  • General agreement that the monthly meetings will be moved to the first Saturday of each month from 10:00 am.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Tony Pack presented the Financial Report for Treasurer Declan Clark - Audited by Ian Szarka
    Tony moved that the financial report be accepted. Seconded by Steve Kennedy - Passed
    Adam thanked Declan, Ian and Tony for their hard work

Election of 2016/17 Committee

  • Election of Office Bearers:
    Jamie Reid nominated for President
    Adam Thomas nominated for Vice President
    Paul Harvey nominated for Secretary
    Tony Pack nominated for Treasurer

Tony moved that given no other nominations that the nominee’s be confirmed. Max seconded - Passed

  • Election of General Committee:
    Steve Kennedy nominated
    Max Bainrot nominated
    Eyal Lebedinsk nominated

Tony moved that given no other nominations that the nominee’s be confirmed. Rene seconded - Passed

Discussion on spending of ACT Government Grant
Specific Discussion on spending of $4000 grant from ACT Government:

  • Adam proposed the Sherline Machine Shop pack

  • Some discussion followed on safety of operation and whether the Sherline option was a suitable size for MHV

  • Bob says we should consider a Sieg which is a size up for some money, others agree - more for same money. For example, see local supplier’s site Machines & Accessories

  • @crashman39 noted we have a lot of members interested in self-building CNCs/routers

  • @devdsp notes the conversation is mostly worried about safety: moves that we agree to purchase but only after safe systems of work and an experienced operator agree that we have an appropriate

  • @tpack @crashman39 move/second that we agree to purchase lathe/mill that we agree we can own and operate safely

  • Working group formed with @devdsp @tpack & Bob to review options and make a decision by Saturday 3rd June - Goal for lathe/mill purchase to be made by 15 June

Meeting Closed

  • Jamie closes at the meeting at 3pm, thanks all for coming and for lively discussion.

[work in progress - to be continued…]

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While looking ahead, I looked back as I passed by the old space - it is mostly gone.


I cannot make it to the AGM today due to transport issues. However I do have an idea on recruitment that I would be happy to bring up at a committee meeting.

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My notes on roughly what happened:

  • @devdsp notes we had great interest from the patching circle
  • @crashman39 notes we don’t have good space for computering, and there’s unmet demand for more computering
  • @eyal notes we use too much workspace for storage
  • @jambulance agrees we need to figure out space, do more culling
  • @devdsp says we should have a monthly community meet (saturday?) where we decide how to better solve these problems (re-arranging the space) and act on ideas instead of talking about them
  • @tpack asks the group if we could decide a time on a saturday: @devdsp suggests 10:00am
  • @tpack delivers financial report as of June 2016

  • @csirac2 mentions we have $11k in the bank today, $4k of which was donation from ACT Chief Minister which we can’t spend on, and we need to find about $4k additional funds per year to break even (informal estimate)
  • @tpack moves we accept, @crashman39 seconds
  • @devdsp thanks @Dexta_Bb, @ian, @tpack for their hard work
  • @tpack nominates self for treasurer
  • @devdsp nominates self for vice president
  • @csirac2 nominates self for secretary
  • @jambulance nominates self for president
  • @crashman39 nominates self for general committee
  • @eyal nominates self for general committee
  • @mbainrot nominates self for general committee
  • @tpack moves we accept office bearers
  • @mbainrot seconds the 4
  • @tpack moves we accept general committee members @mbainrot, @eyal, @crashman39
  • @Rene seconds
  • @tpack mentions we need to update signatures on bank account

Lathe/mill purchase:

  • @devdsp & @csirac2_ notes we’ve had the proposal for the up some time
  • Bob says we should consider a Sieg which is a size up for some money, others agree - more for same money
  • @crashman39 noted we have a lot of members interested in self-building CNCs/routers
  • @devdsp notes the conversation is mostly worried about safety: moves that we agree to purchase but only after safe systems of work and an experienced operator agree that we have an appropriate
  • @tpack @crashman39 move/second that we agree to purchase lathe/mill that we agree we can own and operate safely


  • Thread cutting


  • Lodge change of association paperwork @csirac2_
  • Lodge change of signatures with commbank - requires @dexta_bb & @tpack to sign off
  • @csirac2 to Resurrect committee mailing list
  • @devdsp will post about the sherline option
  • @tpack & Bob agree to formulating an alternate proposal
  • Lathe/mill decision to be made by 3 June
  • Goal for lathe/mill purchase to be made by 15 June

@jambulance closes the meeting, thanks all for coming
