Tuesday, 24 April 7PM: BSidesCBR badge soldering

Soldering workshop to help folks who didn’t get a chance to finish assembling their badge at the conference. If you don’t have a BSidesCBR badge, you’re welcome to bring some other project along! EDIT: Silvio will be bringing spare badge kits - $30.

The BSidesCBR 2018 badge is an ESP8266 design which does some of what buspirate/jtagulator does (and some of it better) designed by Silvio at Infosect - check out http://busside.com.au/

(let me know if this conflicts with anything else Tuesday folks normally get up to :slight_smile:

Silvio Cesare will be coming along from Infosect - with spare badge kits ($30) :slight_smile:

I sometimes come in on Tuesday nights, often woodworking stuff.
Would I still be able to come in and chop up some bits of wood?

Should have everything measured and ready to go to use as minimal as possible to avoid making too much noise.

Would also like to check out some of the electronic stuff.

No worries if it is an issue I can drop in next week :slight_smile:

Sorry I missed this Silas - I should’ve said 7-8PM would be the noise-sensitive period of the workshop, but as there was no woodwork I assume you decided not to drop in. Thanks for asking though!

It went fairly well, except I forgot to tell people to BYO laptops, and I also forgot to order pizza:

No worries. I managed to get it all done at home the next day anyway

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