Spoon Carving Tools

Hey everyone, my name is Matt, I’ve visited a couple of times (I soldered some LED lights a couple of weeks ago) but thought I would introduce myself on here.

I’m and architectural model maker and laser cutter from Sydney. We moved from Sydney to Kaleen in May for my wife’s work.

I have been getting into spoon carving as it doesn’t require many tools while I set up a new workshop (First spooon video). Before I go out and buy new stuff I just thought I would ask if anyone had a small hatchet, jigsaw, a spoon knife or gouge chisel gathering dust that they would want to pass along? I’m also looking for offcuts of small logs/branches of decent carving wood (eg beech, birch, cedar or fruit trees).

Happy to buy them off you or give an in kind donation to the space if you prefer. Thanks!

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There is a heap of birch in the areas around the space. Keep an eye out and you will find some freshly fallen logs.

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