Speciality brews, business model competition

Hey! I’m interested in learning all there is about starting a microbrewery. I’m trying to find a partner to enter the Innovation ACT competition with. It is a great way to learn the basics of entrepreneurship, meet like minded people and is an opportunity to take the business idea further with up to $50K of seed funding.

Details: http://www.innovationact.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IACT15_handbook_participant_v1.4.pdf

I’m an undergraduate student with a strong background in financial mathematics. Besides being a stereotypical Asian student (only in terms of subject choice), I love practical hands-on projects and work great in a team.

I recently brewed cloudy ginger beer with a friend and became interested in both the practical and business side of a microbrewery. I have limited brewing experience but have some fresh ideas I would like to run past experienced brewers. I completed and enjoyed this competition last year.

Team registration closes on the 20th of August. It will take around 10 weeks to complete and the main time commitment is 3-4 hours most Saturday mornings (workshops).

It is open to all ANU, UC, CIT. UNSW Canberra, CSU Canberra and AIE students, staff and graduates. If you enjoy working on a challenge in a team, have brewing experience and equipment for making small batches of specialty brews, please leave a message.


Good luck with that.

Maybe you can do a “Cloud Brewing System” where you can share data with other brewers all around the world. It sounds cheezy, but that’s the technology that’s available now.

Did you see the “Virtual Beer Drinking App” ?

There are lots of brewing shops around the country. So it’s not half a bad segment to be in.

Good Luck ! $50,000 is a lot of prize-money.

Do you know anyone in who might be interested in spending a 3-5 hours a week on a brewing related project, in the context of this competition?

“Cloud Brewing system” sounds fun. It can help create a worldwide brewing community and help share new ideas. I’m not sure how big brewing is in other countries though.

Well you’re either looking for a co-founder or hired-help, which is fine.

You’d have to research it yourself as to how much beer brewing is done overseas. But it’s a sizeable industry afaik.

What you need is some screenshots of the system that you want to make and perhaps a working prototype.

I could do you a quick web interface if you tell me what icons you want on it.

That’s a system for another customer, but gives you an idea.