Hey! I’m interested in learning all there is about starting a microbrewery. I’m trying to find a partner to enter the Innovation ACT competition with. It is a great way to learn the basics of entrepreneurship, meet like minded people and is an opportunity to take the business idea further with up to $50K of seed funding.
Details: http://www.innovationact.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IACT15_handbook_participant_v1.4.pdf
I’m an undergraduate student with a strong background in financial mathematics. Besides being a stereotypical Asian student (only in terms of subject choice), I love practical hands-on projects and work great in a team.
I recently brewed cloudy ginger beer with a friend and became interested in both the practical and business side of a microbrewery. I have limited brewing experience but have some fresh ideas I would like to run past experienced brewers. I completed and enjoyed this competition last year.
Team registration closes on the 20th of August. It will take around 10 weeks to complete and the main time commitment is 3-4 hours most Saturday mornings (workshops).
It is open to all ANU, UC, CIT. UNSW Canberra, CSU Canberra and AIE students, staff and graduates. If you enjoy working on a challenge in a team, have brewing experience and equipment for making small batches of specialty brews, please leave a message.