Space opening: 11/10/18, 7PM till late

I’m opening the space up tonight, from 7PM onwards, just to get some general chores done.
Feel free to drop in and work on anything, there’s no theme tonight or anything.

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I lied, I did somewhat have a theme in mind, “Quiet night”.
Just a night for everyone to sit around silently chipping away at their projects, and even though I didn’t publicly state this in the opening post, I can say with confidence it was an overwhelming success~!

The only sound to be heard, the whirring steppers of a busy 3d printer. For the first time since I’ve come to Canberra, I feel totally at home.

If anyone else would be interested in such pure serenity, maybe we could make this a weekly occurrence?
I’m guessing noise will scale exponentially with the number of people here, but I think it’s worth a shot. I’ve got more done in the last three hours than I have in the last few months of MHV visits combined.

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