September working bee - Next Saturday 6th September

The September working bee will be next Saturday, 6th September from 10am to 6pm. You can see what tasks are already on the list and add any ideas you have on the wiki and/or sign up on the Facebook event

With the warmer weather we will roll out the BBQ’s for lunch… MHV will provide sausages and bread for a BBQ lunch. Bring a plate of something to share if you can to make it a more interesting lunch.

Everyone is welcome - the working bee can be a good way to get involved in MHV if you’ve never made it along before. Come for the day or just a short while, all contributions are welcome :smiley_cat:



Unfortunately, I’ll be out flying UAV’s. on the 6th.

I’ll be able to make the next one though :slight_smile:

I can open the space before 10 and set up the job list.

I’ll also create the “medical / other information” register (a card system?) and get on with general cleaning/unpacking.

A priority seems to be completing the installation of metal guard plates around downstairs door locks- if others have the skills.

I’ll add some other ideas to the wiki before Saturday.

We haven’t had many members with medical information we needed to know about (max of around 3 in the past). I’m unsure about the best way to record it. Balance of needing to keep it private vs needing to access it if there is a problem. We only want to know things that would need to be told to an ambulance attending the person. So perhaps just a hanging file with normal A4 in it will do for now?

Thanks Brenda - so we don’t need (or want) an emergency contact for everyone?

I don’t think so. They go out of date and are hard to access when you need them, so we had dropped them from the new MHV membership database.

Weather forecast is looking good, so I’ll get some sausages and bread for a BBQ lunch. Bring a plate of something to share if you can to make it a more interesting lunch.

I’ll bring a pot of vegan soup to share again.

So far we only have 8 people signed up on Facebook and I know a few other people are planing to come. I hope we have a bigger turnout on the day so we can get lots done.

Report Back:

Only a few people turned up but quite a bit got done, including a complete re-arrangement of the small garage (Thanks mainly to Adam). A full trailer load of excess unlabelled junk took a one-way trip to the “Resource Management Centre”, so if your project or something you had your eye on has gone, its probably too late. Most of the regular cleaning fell to Brenda and others continued the unpacking and putting away downstairs (thanks Owen). I made an Emergency Medical Register that now lives in the filing cabinet upstairs (see the Wiki Page about it at

Some decisions still need to be made about the need for - and location of - each of the fridges downstairs and some (more) innovative storage solutions are awaiting your creative and physical input. The door build is probably the next BIG group project that will make a difference to the usability of the space, but every bit helps.

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