Because I like spamming the forum with new threads, here’s the start of my CNC router build.
Like most things, the way to get something done is pay someone else to do it So I designed the base (and there’s a few things I’d do differently) and had a local fab shop make it for me. I think they did a pretty nice job, certainly better than I could have.
Thanks, they’ve done a pretty good job in getting it square, level and flat. I just have a 1.5m straight edge that I went over it with and it’s well and truly flat enough to mount a spoil board to and skim.
The biggest down fall was part of my design, putting the corner posts on the ends of the side beams that the plate with the linear rails are going to mount to. The side would have been smoother had I continued the side beams all the way to the end (and made the corner posts shorter.)