Hi Adam,
I had a little think about the roller door bird problem and came up with an idea.
Second post:
I’ve just tested and it won’t upload my drawing as I am too new!
Jack (@Peeknpoke) has a plan to run a piece of metal sheet across the gap between the top of the roller door and the wall.
There is currently a suitable piece of sheeting sitting in the small garage. I’m not sure when Jack plans to put the sheet up - hopefully soon!
AFAIK there’s still nothing planned for the small garage yet, so you can try your idea out there if you like.
I have started the project by building a beam that will fit accross the gap.
Last Saturday I installed the fixing plates on the walls.
The problem is that nothing can be fixed to the asbestos headboard, so the beam has to be light and ridgid enough to be supported by the ends being fixed to the concrete block walls.
Over the next few days I plan to measure the distance between the walls in order to trim the beam’s length and install the end bulkheads together with the load bearing brackets.
The final job will be to offer the beam up to the gap and fix it in place. I will require some assistance with this, so we will have to organise it on a day when a number of people can be there during the day.
If this is successful, the other door can be done in a similar manner. I don’t expect it to take so long this time.
Ah cool. Yeah, my idea was out of plywood, nice and light. Any ideas on when I could upload the pics?
upload them to imgur and link them maybe? The bird problem appears the be getting worse. The rate of droppings is increasing.
As you use the forum your level of access gradually increases and you can then upload images into your posts. I’ve just nudged yours up manually, can you see if you now have option to include images? If you don’t I’ll have a look what level that becomes available at.
Thanks for the uplift, that has nailed it
Thanks for your offer Jamie and Mace.
I am planning working Saturday morning for a few hours with preparations, and then most of Saturday afternoon with the heavier work, depending on who else is there and how far we get.
Mace, please note that the headboard over the roller door is made of asbestos. We may not cut it, drill it, or put screws into it.
My plan is to do the same work with the smaller garage after the main one has been done. Having worked on the larger garage, I can see an easier way of protecting the smaller one.
(Door does fully close, just took pic as it was going back up)
Took some pictures of the blocker going up!
I have the next metal sheet made up. I plan to install it on the southern end of the small garage tomorrow (9th March) early afternoon.