Possible event at which to promote MHV

From http://www.act.gov.au/ococ/15-january-2015-weekly-edition/save-the-date-connect-and-participate-expo-28-march-2015!

The Connect and Participate (CAP) Expo is an opportunity for Canberrans of all abilities and ages to join groups and build social connections around common interests. A huge range of possibilities for connection and participation in the community will be at one location on one day; from sport and recreation groups, to art, craft, music, leisure, cultural, performing arts, hobby, social and ‘special interest’ groups.

Applications are now open for interested stallholders. The Expo runs 11am-4pm, Saturday 28 March 2015 at the Old Bus Depot Markets, Kingston.

For more information visit www.connectandparticipateexpo.com.au