So I’ll be loading this up soon to see if I can integrate that.
At the IoT meetup I asked if anybody knew of any tool like this and Cisco apparently have the only thing but it works a little differently and it’s for a completely different purpose.
I’ll most likely come back next Wednesday night on Electronics night and see if there are any projects that I can attempt to document using this tool. One of the main purposes is to be able to quikly document Electronics and IoT projects so I’ll give that a go.
I need to write some better Test Cases because the AutoConnect is getting a bit complex but it works at a basic level.
Now I am working to get the Animations working so that you can see Sensor activity and so forth happen in a visual manner. I demonstrated a few things moving last night. Next step will be to get the directions of the movements going in the right way
Can anyone help me to write some code to help Import Arduino Sketches and produce a Visual Diagram for an Arduino Sketch ?
It isn’t as hard as it might sound. At the top of the .ino program will be a list of “.h” files and they will correspond to a particular known board which we can record in the board file for a part. I’ve moved my ‘Parts library’ to github and it now lives here
By doing a lookup of the .h file we can associate a particular .h file to a board and then automatically add a component to the diagram for each component identified.
Any helpers ?
[I can already import many Fritzing .fzp files. It would be great to have .ino Import as well as then we can produce a Visual Diagram for the majority of Arduino Sketches simply by reading the Source .ino file and then graphing it. All of the Graphing activity currently exists]
I have added the ability to easily download the various Toolchains needed to compile for the various platforms to the Installer. It now supports compilation of all AVR, ESP8266 and ESP32 code.