New Treasurer

Is anyone willing to become Treasurer? You will need to finish the 2013/14 accounts (now in a Google docs spreadsheet) and the annual report, keep the accounts up to date and keep track of our financial position.

Once the reports are done and audited we will have an AGM where all positions including the Treasurer are voted on by members.

Absent any other offers of allocated-time I’ll produce a report for the previous financial year.

If it turns out I can’t, for some reason or another, I’ll bake another batch of cookies.

We’re still in need of someone to keep the accounts up to date. Maybe do a bit of forecasting (which I’m happy to help with).

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I could possibly help out with looking after the accounts. I’ve been hesitant to speak up as I don’t know how much time it’ll take me, and I didn’t want to be the one to lick the cookie if I wasn’t damn sure I was ready to eat it. Having said that, I’m happy to discuss recipes and see if it’s something I can make time to do.

With Cameron standing down from Committee there is now a vacancy. At this stage you are the only person who has offered to help with accounts @jambulance, so would you like to join the committee and become treasurer? Do you still have time to do that?

As soon as the annual report is completed we’ll be able to hold our AGM at which all committee positions are up for nomination and voting.

Now that @cmrn has stepped down, I’d like to invite Jamie to join the committee as Treasurer until the election at the next AGM (which will be before end of December). Does the rest of the committee support this? @jambulance are you willing to do this?

I’ve just bought the finance spreadsheet up to date, and Adam and Jamie and I have been discussing getting together to do the end of year reporting early next month (we are all busy this month).

Thankyou Brenda for the support, but my circumstances have changed today
and it likely means I would not be able to do the job justice. Perhaps by
the time of the AGM things will have changed, but of course that doesn’t
help that we don’t have a treasurer now. Sorry!

That’s ok @jambulance, hopefully someone else will volunteer.

Anyone else interested in helping out?

Just a reminder that we are still looking for someone to fill in as treasurer until the AGM. The job involves keeping the finance spreadsheet up to date by pasting in new bank transactions, helping to produce the finance report for last year and generally keeping track of MHV’s finances. Please contact me if you think you can help.

There is a vacant position on the committee created by Cameron leaving so whoever volunteers can also join the committee.

When’s the AGM?
I’d like to lend a hand where I can, but the main thing preventing me from doing anything committee-related is I’m almost always otherwise engaged on Tuesday nights.

Hi @M0les,

The current plan I believe is to try to hold the AGM in early December. But this might be delayed until early next year.


So is there anything I can do for this? I’m guessing my inability to be present on Tuesdays is going to be a bit of a dampener.

Hello @M0les,

Things don’t have to happen on Tuesday nights. Have a look on the improving MHV page on the wiki, or come up with something you want to do that you think will contribute. Coming in and finish the work you were doing on the Roland cutter and maybe offer to run a short intro session for it?

What nights suit you?

At the committee meeting @wil5on became interim treasurer and is working on last financial years reports so the AGM can happen: Meeting report is here: Community/Committee meeting next Tuesday 28/10