Hey MHV,
At the space tonight we had one of the neighbours have a bit of a go at us. I went and had a chat with him to calm him down. I think I have dealt with it somewhat however there are a few thing we need to be mindful of.
Despite what our space is zoned as we are located near where people are living. This means we shouldn’t be marking lound noises at all hours. If you wouldn’t do it at home don’t do t at the space. We shouldn’t be using power tools past 8 and close the shed door. We should probaly be out of the messy work area by nine. Unless your being super quiet.
If one of the locals approaches you about what your doing please be polite but you don’t need to be walked over. Try to come to some aragenment then and there to fix the short term problem. Also please let one of the commitee members know what happened so we can keep an accurate record.
Another thing is and I know we have been working on this. We need to keep the external of the space looking clean. I think it will go a long way with our neibours if we keep the space looking professional. I know the space can go from looking neat to looking like a junk pile very quickly. So we all need to be vigilant all the time in this regards.