MPS430 Low power temp logger

There’s been some talk at the space about a low power temperature logger for someone’s project. This app note from TI is an interesting read of what you can do with parts designed for it.

In fact the gents at the space (sorry I forget names) trying to do the logging could just take the TI reference design and not populate unwanted sensors/NFC and use it. All the board files and example code is there.

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Hey Harvs,

Thanks for putting this up, this is awesome!!

TI is by far and away the way to go for the project. Running for >5 years on a cr2032 while logging data is pretty amazing.

At the moment this project is a great learning tool for me, it’s advancing my knowledge exponentially, with the experience and knowledge at the maker space. Like last night, using a DSO for the first time was pretty amazing.

Thank you all for your help and assistance, looking forward to continued development!



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