MozziByte Kickstarter

hi Make Hack Void

Back in 2013 we released the Mozzi audio synthesis library for Arduino on github to foster sonic creativity by artists, musicians, designers, students and everyone else. Mozzi

From experience with many Mozzi projects now, we have found a basic set of audio components and connectors is required in every project, and building this basic platform over and over again is a pain. So to reduce that pain we have created the MozziByte shield for an Arduino Pro Mini.

MozziByte has a digital audio amplifier, phono socket, speaker pins, battery connector, power switch and prototyping area for connecting sensors, knobs, and switches.

We need to order a minimum of 100 MozziBytes to make it cost effective to produce as a PCB+assembly board.

If you would like to order a MozziByte and support this initial production please visit our Kickstarter and share it with others who may be interested.

Stephen Barrass and Tim Barrass


It looks neat, I hope it goes well.

Looks like you exceeded your target almost ~33%, nice

hi ian

yes we are very pleased that KIckstarter has helped make MozziByte a
reality, with 50 Pledges for orders of 120 boards.
The MozziBytes will be PCB Assembled by Seeedstudio (in blood-sucking
red :slight_smile: and we are currently discussing if they can drop ship i.e. post
directly from China, rather than doing post out from Canberra (which
adds a lot to the cost)

thanks for you interest
best regards Stephen