Hi all
One thing I did recently was watch many conference videos, including https://media.ccc.de/c/36c3 and subject of this note is phyphox - mobile phone sensor experiments.
In fact it is not just mobile phone sensor experiments, but you can edit/write your own experiments, or just use the sensors yourself. While his idea is aimed at school situations, the use goes a lot wider.
Overall it is about giving everyone MAXIMUM access/utility from their phone sensors and incldues info on limitations and calibration etc.
ATM I am using it to rescue myself from poor maths/trig/compass skills by measuring slope angle of a cone I made.
Photo shows a test cone mating into a mounting head…all good except for the cone slope…oops.
The app is available from several app stores and also from F-droid.
My notes I made while watching the conference video are below…
phyphox - mobile phone sensor experiments
- ALSO v practical uses
- light/sound timers
- measure lift vel/acel
- vibration anal
- pressure, rotation, magnet,…
can send your results to own web page
can even edit experiment cfg/script to make own!!!
and more more.....
they run some massive multi-user data colation experiemnts!!!
...arduino lib coming in about March...
https://phyphox.org/sensordb <=== use to check what senssors in new mobile!!!
me - beware Aussie models OFTEN dif!!!
v interesting and flexible and capable
…eg use pressure sensor to detect doors open/close
- or BCMS dust filter need change…