MHV Facebook page & other social media presences

Only a handful of our committee were actually admins of the MHV Group; I’ve now corrected that for those on the committee who are currently members of the group.

Should we add some people as admins to the MHV Facebook page itself? I don’t seem to be able to do that, it would be great to get our social medias flowing :smiley:

What about the twitter account? Is that properly set up for multiple access?

Just wonderin’. I’m thinking of what I need to do to get a strong grant proposal together, which might include some membership figures, social media activity, scraping our space openings from the twiter feed, and at some point I’ll run a survey with some proposals for what capital works/assets our members are most interested in. So far ideas include: nice 3D printer, downstairs projector & screen, spending monies to fix our internets if that proves necessary, security improvements, perhaps we should get some quotes for removing all those internal walls upstairs.

But right now I just want to sort out our social media accounts.

Good idea - things have been a bit quiet on the social media front recently!

I’ve just added you as an admin on both the Facebook page and TweetDeck account, so you should be able to sort things out as you see fit. Let me know if you have trouble gaining access to either system.

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Much appreciated! Will go over this properly on the weekend. It also occurs to me we need more MHV action shots. Will have to ambush people when they’re doing stuff.

I agree some more pics of the space, including some outside shots would be great.
Just today I wanted to show someone some pics of MHV and all I could quickly find were the ones from the Canberra Times article.

Internal wall removal would open the space up, but with the cost of asbestos removal; would probably be most cost effective to strip out all the internal lining and get it refitted.
Unfortunately there is a mural painted on one of the prime walls that would open up the space and would be a shame to loose that.

If one of the holders of the ADSL router and Internode account credentials can provide them to me I can investigate if the poor connection problems.
My plan is to rule out internal building cabling (FYI: I’m licensed to do this) causing the issue.

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Aaron! That would be fantastically awesome of you to investigate. We have some pretty high attenuation and I’ve seen the SNR drop down to 11-12dB on our current modem. I do think we have a dodgy filter that’s not helping at the moment, but the two sets of giant honking 1960’s terminals (and jumper from street pair -> building pair) in the MDF aren’t helping. Would love to try bypassing the MDF completely just temporarily to check how much (if any) loss the old jumpers/terminals/building wiring is responsible for.

As for pics, check the facebook pages at and

As for the wall removal, we’re well aware of the asbestos cost, but nobody has actually got a quote to just do the one set of walls in the middle of the room. So I’d like to at least get a (hopefully free) quote before assuming it’s an impossible task. Those walls really kill the usefulness of upstairs for holding presentations! And it would be sad to lose murals, but I’m hopeful we can replace with even more cool artwork? (says the non-artistic guy dreaming of destroying walls :slight_smile:

I will endeavour to re-re-re-re-establish who currently has control of the ADSL account!

Brenda reminded me that I’m now listed as a contact for the iiNet account, and I also have what I think is the current toolbox password.

OK cool; howabout the router pw?
As that is the first thing i’ll need to start experimenting with improving sync speed.

I’ve known it in the past, @jambulance and @devdsp should also

Does anyone know who currently administers to the G+ page?

I think I might know it - we can give it a go tomorrow.

Worse case, we can factory reset; but it’s likely one of the standard passwords.