@Ken has posted a fantastic build report about the sword he has just completed. He asks at the bottom about whether it is ok to link to that on other sites.
I don’t think there is a problem with him linking to the forum, but I wonder what the pros and cons are for publishing a report like that on the main MHV website projects section as well or instead of the forum?
I’m happy to help with the publication on the projects section if that is what is decided. I’d like to at least have a brief highlights version there linking to the full version.
I’m posting this in the ‘committee’ topic, but anyone is welcome to join in the discussion, especially @Ken!
I certainly don’t think there is any problem posting on both. If anything I think it is best to post on going projects or initial reports on the forum since this format facilitates updates, changes and most importantly discussion. After which I think it is best to post a refined and consolidated report to the webpage as a permanent archive and for publishing to other maker and hacking websites.
There’s still some work to be done to finish off the project and the report including some dimensions which I think need to be corrected. In that time I hope there will also be questions asked and discussion which can be incorperated into the final report which will be published onto the projects webpage and a condensed version which will hopefully be put up on instructables.