Laser cutter donation - Studio No. 7

We have had a generous donation of a laser cutter by the the proprietor of Studio No. 7 cafe in Belconnen.

Joy, who runs Studio No. 7, has been a fan of MHV for years, telling others about MHV and using the space to work on a couple projects.

The laser cutter was donated completely free with no strings attached, but we can still show our appreciation for this donation by supporting Studio No. 7 cafe. If purchasing coffee in Belconnen go to Joy’s cafe, and leaving online reviews.


Looks like they have some pretty good food too. Thanks Ian and Joy!

Looks nice. I’ll drop in next time I’m around belco, I’m always looking out for new Cafes.
Least we can do in return for something like this.
Thanks to all involved, I’ll get myself a coffee or two and I’ll make sure to leave a review