Feb 3, 2016 07:00PM: Electronics Wednesday

I’ll be opening the space at the usual time for Electronics Wednesday!

This week I’ll be playing around with the Sparkfun Inventors Guide and Make: Electronics books.

Perhaps something for the ESP8266 crew to try? :slight_smile: GitHub - cnlohr/channel3: ESP8266 Analog Broadcast Television Interface

ESP8266 Analog Broadcast Television Interface

Hook an antenna up to GPIO3/RX, tune your analog TV to Channel 3. Power the ESP on!

For those learning to build electronics, the Sparkfun Inventors Kit has a nifty guide (SIK Guide, first link in Documents on that page) which starts at using an Arduino (Sparkfun Red Board) to blink an LED, then gets more complex from there.


I will probably be playing the Catalyst program from last night, talking about Reposit Power. It’s about half an hour. Depends on whether or not I remember to get an HDMI cable on the way into the space or not :D. I think I remembered to pack the MiniDP-to-HDMI adaptor for my laptop.

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I ended up getting my Lithium-Ions to power my ESP8266 system:

I’d love to have some sort of 3D printed case, but for now it’s just cable-ties. I found a way to do them so that everything is held together pretty tightly.

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