Drinks & Chips for MHV - volunteer needed to do shopping

Is anyone able to get tins of drinks & packets of chips for MHV on their way tonight? We are out of everything I think.

Keep the receipts and we will refund you this evening at MHV.

I can probably do this, but due to my esoteric taste I must insist on a clear shopping list.

thanks @eyal. It depends a bit on price - we tend to buy whichever softdrink boxes are on special - but something from this list:

  • pepsi max

  • coke zero

  • coke

  • solo (there are still a couple of these)

  • other lemonade flavours

  • pack(s) of 20 variety chips - really doesn’t matter much about brand I think

  • pack of xx variety fancy chips - red rock or similar

  • anything else you think people would buy at MHV

We are making progress. Now all I need is numbers. e.g. how many “pepsi max”? one slab of 24 of each listed?

one each will do I expect.

Thanks @eyal - nicely stocked now :smile: