Please find below the proposed agenda for the committee meeting on the 13th of November. If you have anything you would like to be brought up please email @crashman39 and myself. Or if you have edit privileges on the google drive the working document can be found here or add it to the comments below.
If you have been working on a project or something that requires the attention of the committee could you please add it to the comments below or email @crashman39 or myself. It would really help us if you used this format.
Action Group - Name of project Date of meeting - Approx will do this is more about us know what is the most up todate info Summary of information - Just enough info so we are all on the same page Recommendations - What do you want from the committee, if you could make it as a worded motion it will make our job easier plus we won’t misinterpret your intention. Follow up meeting if required - When will this be dealt with or is more info needed Who is managing it - who is the contact person for this project.
Also please note that while this is a committee meeting any member of MHV is welcome to attend and participate in most matters.
Space Cleaning Proposal to clean outside of the space and paint building allocate funds of up to $1000 for this. Exact expenditure to be approved by action group. Put out call for the MHV community to support this financially as well as on the day. Motion - That funds up to one thousand dollars be allocated to an action group for rejuvenation of the outside of the space including painting of the building. That this group is headed up by Ben Paton and can spend the funds as allocated by the group. That the group seek any needed approval for works from Property Group before any expenditure is made.
That the action group informs the MHV community of what is happening and seeks finical support and physical help from the wider MHV community.
Glowforge Refund Proposed motion - Arising from the community motion at the AGM to seek the possibility of a refund on the glow forge. The Committee has found out that this is possible. This being so the committee asks that Paul Harvey (@csirac2_) puts into action what ever he has to seek the refund from Glow forge.
Action Group -
Obtaining a replacement air compressor
Date of meeting -
Summary of information
The owner of the air compressor has taken it back home. I think the air compressor was a valuable tool for cleaning the workshop, and has other applications like spray painting.
Recommendations -
Seek approval to buy a replacement air compressor
from Ken the proposal for the gloforge (7.3) has been already passed by AGM which is a superior body therefore just needs to be actioned , rather than reconsidered
also he sends his apologies for the committee meeting, as he will be away.
Action Group -
Improve the appearance of the space by finishing the garden wall / area
Date of meeting -
Summary of information
The bay that was converted into the square garden should be finished by building a forth wall out of matching besser blocks.
The ‘tarp’ solution is degrading and going to fail soon.
I think this would need to be properly anchored to the ground and adjacent walls, and with rio-bar between block layers. A special concrete form is needed at the bottom for drainage.
I don’t have experience in this area, but @jambulance may have a contact who knows more about masonry.
Bunnings has blocks and cement
[But I suspect real suppliers would exist around the place and be better]
Unsure about cost, [ 30 x Blocks from bunnings + 5 x cement = ~$150]
Recommendations -
If @jambulance can discuss with his contact and advise how to proceed, cost etc.
Seek approval for some resources to build wall.
Follow up meeting if required -
As new information becomes available
Am not planning on any major hacking in the near future, i.e. new CNC controller or steppers. Given the budget situation lathe is best left in original configuration for now. CNC operations are possible, either using manual keypad entry or via RS232 (serial port) download. Manual operation is possible using the keypad.
Having said that, the next items should probably be:
4 x heavy duty castor wheels to make a movable cart from scrap lumber (est $50-100 bunnings)
budget for tooling, replacement parts (chuck key, dead centre etc). existing tools use carbide inserts, not cheap. (maybe $100-200?)
Hello all please find the attached the draft minutes from tonight committee meeting. To anyone that was there if you notice any discrepancies between this and your recollection then please note it down and we can update it next meeting.
The members of the commitee that were present tonight (@Amr_Tawfik, @RyRyPrime, @crashman39 and myself) talked about this and thought it was a better option. As such we thought it was a good idea to extend the budget for this tool to $800. This was inline with what we dusscuessed in the last commitee meeting which was if there was a better option above the budget then we would look at it.