Hi @JayChow,
the lathe manuals are in the workshop (shelves by the door?). Loose leaf binders with an orangey coloured cover. The pages are mouldy so you might want to wear gloves and a dust mask when handling.
There is a bunch of Emco related info here: https://groups.io/g/Emco-CNC-Users/
The Compact 5 CNC manuals are of various types, not terribly well organised.
I don’t think the Emco G02/03 commands support the R parameter. I think the software supports the I and K parameters. May require a bit of geometry and a calculator to rejig.
You’re welcome to power the lathe up and play with data entry. Chapter 3 of the online manual walks you through the process.
I would prefer that you not operate the cross slide (X axis). The gibs need adjustment and I can’t remember if they are too loose or too tight. Operating the steppers with either may cause damage. The ball nuts are on the weak side due to the plastic being aged and brittle.
Be careful when connecting the various cables as they pass under the machine base and need to go through the matching slot. Missing the slot means a hard edge presses into the cable.
The lathe tools are in a white drawer (drawer is loose) and in poor condition. You might want to get yourself a couple of HSS blanks and hand grind. From memory there were a couple of bench grinders at the space, not sure what condition they are in. If needed I can bring mine in from home.
Am sure this is doable, just may take a little time to bring it all together.