Hi all,
Just got a batch of NodeMCU’s delivered (all but one has been left at the space, as the space paid for them) and will flash my space probe firmware on the remainder and then install it in the backup space probe at the space whenever I next visit.
I will also post the source code of my firmware in this thread for future reference.
I have been told people plan on rebuilding and cleaning up the original probe; being able to use my source code as a framework may assist with this.
I’ll try to keep it as simple and clean to read as possible, allowing any member to easily maintain it in the future.
(This is me preemptively excusing my poor programming practices as “making things accessible”, however if anything I write is so disgusting that you feel compelled to completely re-write it and reflash the device, I won’t object in the least bit)
I’ll update as I have more information, however for now, here’s a pic of the backup probe.
(If you didn’t get the joke, this was me trying to make the worst probe possible in a single afternoon, while still being functional. Bonus points if you can identify all the fonts I used)
You have alluded to attending the space.
As a member I no longer regard you as being part of the MHV community. I do not want you at the space, nor do not I want you interacting with any MHV online presence.
Members including myself do not feel comfortable or safe in your presence.
At the AGM you were not elected into the committee.
After the AGM you returned your key.
I know you have been warned about your behaviour multiple times by multiple members of the last committee.
After the AGM I witnessed that the president was forced to ask you to please leave. It was my understanding that this was intended as a permanent, and not something that do not have the option to re-join the group unless invited.
You were given ten minutes to collect your personal belongings.
As you walked out you said “Any possessions of mine remaining at the space can be considered donated“
If you have any remaining access to MHV systems I want you to exit them, return your access, and discontinue use.
If you have any MHV property, I want the items to be made available for collection at a public place away from MHV.
Afterwards the president contacted me, apologising, and stated that I was not suspended, and that his suspension was in error, and invalid.
I returned my key and stepped down from the committee to absolve myself of legal liability, not because I wished to leave the community of the organisation.
I will not attend the space until further clarification has been offered by the president.
I advise you contact him, as we have already discussed many of the points you have brought up.
Everything Ian said was true. However, Ryan has not been properly banned or suspended. So he is allowed to visit the space when it is open for the time being. I apologise for any inconvenience this may have to any members.