Aug 26, 2015 07:00PM: Internet of Rainy Things Night

event created by: Alex Satrapa

It’s rainy weather! That means Alex is thinking about his pneumatic water level sensor, and Eyal is probably wondering how cold the compost heap has gotten :smiley:

Come along and play with electronics, chew the fat, or just enjoy the ambiance of the Space.

Open for 180.0 minutes, closing at Aug 26, 2015 10:00PM

Please check the MHV Calendar for the latest information about events.

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Sorry that I wasn’t able to come.

Recently I got accepted into a European IoT / Security Accelorator in BRNO, Czech-Republic. Actually it’s about 1:40mins drive to Vienna. I’m going to be selling into CZ and DE a lot (hopefully).

Here’s the PR:

Big thanks to everyone who tried my boards and helped me out. :slight_smile:

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Brno is a super spot, but a visit to Český Krumlov is a must

oops, I meant Ceske Budejovice

Thanks Michael,

I will try to get there. My friend in CH is giving me a van, so I’ll pretty much be able to drive around as much as I want and see places.