3/2/2015 - February Maker Meetup - Tuesday

The Space will be open on Tuesday night from around 6.00pm for our monthly Maker Meetup, general hacking and/or observation of Lake Ginninderra. All welcome!

Please reply if you have a project to share at the meetup so people can get an idea of what will be covered. Last minute additions are welcome if we have time :smile:

If you haven’t already seen it, make sure to have a look at our fantastic mural upstairs by George Rose.

I’ll be giving anyone who’s interested in welding at MHV a ‘point and waffle on’ intro to the gear we have and how to set it up.

I’ll be opening the space early at 2:30pm in the afternoon so that @Keith can paint over the graffiti. Anyone who wants to use the space for the afternoon is welcome to come in.

Meetup will start at 6pm / 6:30pm as usual.

At the meetup, I’ll give a short overview of the projects on MHV Github - https://github.com/makehackvoid and how people can get involved. Would like to know if there is interest in a workshop/meetup for an introduction to the Wiki or Forum or Github?

I would be interested to learn how MHV makes use of github,
Should hopefully be able to make it