19 October, 7:00PM: SMD Assembly

Hi all,
my PCBs have arrived from China and are ready to assemble.

If people are interested I can give a short demo on surface mount assembly using a home-brew reflow oven.

Any takers?


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I am interested.

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Unfortunately I’ll be out of town for a while. Otherwise would have been good to see how you go about it.

Ok, so Eyal is in. I’ll start the show sometime after 7pm.

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I’ve now advertised Wednesday night for 7PM, let me know if anything changes :slight_smile:

Incidentally, this is perhaps old news to you guys but I only recently discovered macrofab… really impressed with the demo board https://factory.macrofab.com/ - way less intimidating than negotiating shenzhen contract assembly :slight_smile:

An excellent turnout to witness what can only be called an ‘epic fail’ (Murphy’s Law).

For some yet to be determined reason the temperature sensor was way out of calibration. The sample board started well but the oven controller failed to stop heating. I was busy talking at the time and only noticed things were abnormal when smoke started coming out the top of the oven.

Apologies for any lingering smell. We gave to space a good airing.

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