11 October, 6:30PM: Committee Meeting! What table saw to buy?

I might as well use this topic to gather agenda items:

  • Our $4,000 grant kindly donated by the ACT Chief Minister - What table saw to buy? So far a mid-range Dewalt from the following has been nominated https://justtools.com.au/search.php? search_query=table+saw&page=1&limit=24&sort=relevance&brand=55 - alternative table saw arrangement: generic table stand - perhaps better value @Dexta_Bb
  • Discontinue our iiNet service at Evelyn Parker Place - @csirac2_ to recover iiNet password
  • Discontinue rubbish service (no contact yet with JR Richards) - @csirac2_ will ring
  • ACT Association paperwork update - or just wait for AGM? - WIP
  • Transfer mhv.space TLD - WIP @csirac2_
  • New email server - @jambulance / @csirac2_
  • Internet provisioning update - @batau talking to iiNet
  • Membership fees/cashflow - We need about 10 more paying members; @csirac2_ to keep spamming;
  • Google+ & YouTube page admin? @devdsp
  • Sensor lights & power points; @jambulance to cable tie & solar power
  • Outdoor improvements (incl. graffiti); @jambulance @ian @mon organizing a working bee
  • BSidesCBR planning @jambulance & @csirac2_ & @devdsp
  • Electrician: … @devdsp
  • Insurance status quo
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