11 October, 6:30PM: Committee Meeting! What table saw to buy?

Hi there,

Wondering if this Tuesday’s meeting is special?

We were thinking about trying to get back involved with MHV and wondering if this Tuesday might be the day or if it’s closed to normal folk?

Let us know :slight_smile:

Hi @elena! All are welcome to committee meeting nights, don’t be afraid to come along - some of us will be in a corner somewhere discussing boring administrative things (which you’re also welcome to participate in). Others will hopefully also be around doing something more interesting :slight_smile:

I might as well use this topic to gather agenda items:

  • Our $4,000 grant kindly donated by the ACT Chief Minister - What table saw to buy? So far a mid-range Dewalt from the following has been nominated https://justtools.com.au/search.php? search_query=table+saw&page=1&limit=24&sort=relevance&brand=55 - alternative table saw arrangement: generic table stand - perhaps better value @Dexta_Bb
  • Discontinue our iiNet service at Evelyn Parker Place - @csirac2_ to recover iiNet password
  • Discontinue rubbish service (no contact yet with JR Richards) - @csirac2_ will ring
  • ACT Association paperwork update - or just wait for AGM? - WIP
  • Transfer mhv.space TLD - WIP @csirac2_
  • New email server - @jambulance / @csirac2_
  • Internet provisioning update - @batau talking to iiNet
  • Membership fees/cashflow - We need about 10 more paying members; @csirac2_ to keep spamming;
  • Google+ & YouTube page admin? @devdsp
  • Sensor lights & power points; @jambulance to cable tie & solar power
  • Outdoor improvements (incl. graffiti); @jambulance @ian @mon organizing a working bee
  • BSidesCBR planning @jambulance & @csirac2_ & @devdsp
  • Electrician: … @devdsp
  • Insurance status quo
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Some of these might be duplicates:

  • Electrician for more outlets (where do we want them?)
  • Mate order update (do we need to place one, or is there one in the works)
  • Cleaning bee? (Outside needs high pressure hosing, etc)
  • Insurance update/s
  • Any other things we havn’t remembered to do with the move / needs doing?
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  • Gardening bee on the 12th Nov - discussion here.
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I can bring a high pressure cleaner (karcher) to the gardening bee.
We also need to think about/purchase an automated watering system so our future garden doesn’t die!

We should be able to hack our own together with parts from $hardware_store :smiley:

any outcomes from the meeting?

I edited the agenda post with actions - I probably should’ve made a separate post.