Date: Sun 27 May 2018 15:51 AEST
Attendees: [Adam, Tony, Amr, Ben, Steve, Jamie]
Tony reports the paperwork for commbank tokens has been rejuected by the bank due to being filled out by hand. Tony has filled out the form again using the online tool and printed it. Committee members to sign. Tony will then process with the bank again.
- Tony moves we, as a committee, accept the motion that we agree to logdge a combiz application for electronic banking tokens.
- Steve seconds.
- Vote passes unamiously.
- Tony moves we, as a committee, accept the motion that we agree to logdge a combiz application for electronic banking tokens.
Jamie raised the inspection report from ACTPG.
- Cover the 240V relays at the door powering the Signs.
- Adam points out this is 12V not 240V.
- We will put a cover on it anyway.
- Report to be collated for lights, powerpoints, etc for repairs to be sent to ACTPG for action.
- Floorplan, circles. Listing problems.
- Access needs to be clear.
- Cover the 240V relays at the door powering the Signs.
Working Bee: Date picked 23 June 12:00 for lunch until we’re done.
- Trailer tip runs
- Clean up the right side of the garage
- Clean up the outside area
- Put on lunch.
- Will be ruthless with chucking things. Need lots of comms.
- Ben leading proposal writing.
- Pis, MAME, 3D printer + tokens, Amr’s movie trailer, Arduino.
- Should get a banner printed. More stickers? (At least take the stickers we have).
Cashflow, Membership
- Email comms out to members about situation and calling for donations; explaining what finacial contributions mean for the space, and what a suggested amount is.
- Would be good to have an understanding of regular contributions; could be a script to read the export from bank and provide general numbers/trend over the last while.
- Do we need to start a budget, and start looking forward.
- Starting to track the internet; both payments and usage.
- Some system to understand what it costs to run the space
- We would like to track things like the fridge stocking, internet, etc
- Box in the space to throw reciepts into?
- Recognising that these are a type of contribution.
Next committee/community meeting dates set, as well as AGM.
Jamie to organise meeting with Joffy on a Tuesday night 7pm to talk internet links.
CoC update to include explicit mention of supervision of minors by a legal guardian
- Ben motion
- Steve second
- Passed unamiously
- CoC updated
- Ben motion
Working bee focusing on workshop. Layout, etc.
- Material storage
Mark out bench areas
mark out working areas on the ground
building wheel pedistals for tools
- running a metal welding workshop for the stands?
plan for the working bee
project plan for what has to happen to get us to a mill and lathe and how to get there
charging trolley
paint trolley
saftey board
- what do we have
- what do we want
- what do we need
material storage solution (garden shed? pine/iron/shed type thing?)
- Material storage
Chief minister donation plan is still mill and lathe
Meeting closed at 2018-05-27 15:51