Proliant 8000 server left at MHV

Hi All,

This dear old server (circa 1999 manufacture date) was left on the workbenches at some point in the last week:

While we hate to see these kinds of amazing old machines go to waste, unfortunately with space at a premium - this is probably not the place for such things to be dumped without some sort of plan of action in mind. Especially with all the CPU cards missing!

So unless we have a member that has plans for it, I’ll be taking it to the tip on the next run (roughly monthly, so likely mid-January).

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If no one else has claim to it I might grab one or both power supplies on it, but have no interest in the rest.

( I have a tendency to break power supplies and server supplies seem a bit more robust.)

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@crashman39 brought it in last week and planed to trying to fire it up this week for a challenge. Don’t believe he was aware the CPU cards were missing though!

Plan B was to scrap it for PSUs and any other usable hardware then dispose of.

Sounds like he’s been pulled away by something though.

Thanks @Harvs - as long as there’s a plan, that’s all good then :slight_smile:

Thanks harvs i will get rid of it after the 2nd of jan so if anyone wants parts for it … i would like the fans but anything else is fair game.

As i said i will get rid of it.

No worries @crashman39, I think we don’t mind it sitting there for a while if it belongs to a member - sometimes well-meaning people dump stuff on us, was just making sure we had a plan for it :smiley:

I’m not taking the power supplies after all.
I couldn’t quickly figure out how to make them turn on and have no immediate use for them anyway.
So there still available as far as I know.

I think we should get the power supplies and if at all possible the mounting cradles for them. It would be worth spending a bit of time working out their switch on mechanism, as they’re going to be very high quality switching supplies (unlike cheaper ATX supplies.)

well we can do that i will head for the space on tuesday for a couple of hours and start the demolition of the case and see what i can break it down too