Nov 21, 2015 01:00PM: Expressions of interest - install bird proofing

The Bird Proofing beam for the Southern end of the large garage has been finished and is ready for installation. The last one took half a dozen people about two hours to do. We need to decide on a time or event at which this could be done.

What about this Saturday lunch time?

I hope to discuss this on Tuesday night @MHV (17th).
I don’t want to just wait around hoping enough people will turn up. I would like to know there would be enough committed people there to make it worth resceduling a Saturday.
For example, this is a good activity to include in a working bee / BBQ.

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I could make it on Saturday to assist.

Thanks Jack, I hope you don’t mind - I’ve re-titled your post so that we have something to organize around. I’ll be there tonight.

I’ve now proposed Saturday 21 November 13:00-15:00. I mightn’t be able to make it though, I have other obligations that day - but if you’re one person short, please do ping me via E-mail or Google Hangouts, I should get it on my phone.

sounds good.

Count me in.

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For those who are unaware, this is the other roller door with bird proofing apparatus installed previously:

(grey piece inset at top of roller door)

It’s 15:00 the day before… And so far, we have:

  • Jack
  • Alex
  • Aaron
  • Owen (via Facebook)

There are two others on Facebook who’ve said “interested”.

No other responses via Meetup.

I can probably come along if it’s the difference between success and failure, but it will cost me dearly :smile: I can hopefully also drag Declan along in between Fallout 4 sessions.

ok +1 I have convinced Ulrick to come with me to help (he has been to the space a couple of times with me)

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I’m off uni and I’ll have some time to help out so count me in.

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I am free, I’ll be in at the crack of dawn till prob 4-5pm

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Excellent - sounds like we have enough people. I can also be available if it turns out someone can’t come.

Thanks Paul, Jack.

Running late sorry, got talking details with BMW :frowning:

The bird proofing installation has been completed. I turned up early to get everything ready and people engaged in the brewing party provided assistance, so the installation turned out to be completed before the advertised start time. So, thanks to those in the brewing party and thanks to the volunteers who made time to turn up, even if after the event. Jack.

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Good work guys! Sorry I didn’t reply! I only check the forums every few weeks.

If anyone ever needs a hand, feel free to contact me via email or whatever. I’m usually free and very happy to help out.

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Which social networks are you on? Or are you able to survive without them? :smile:

I create Facebook events for things but I’m never sure if it’s rude to “invite all” every time, so I suspect a lot of our posts just get missed.

I only look at facebook if I get a notification by email that there is something new there for me to look at.
I do not post anything on facebook, but I might answer a post.
I never look at twitter or IRC.

I’m on gmail and FB.