Capital expenditure ideas:
Easy(er?) to justify:
- $5,000 AUD - Ultimaker 2 extended.
- NB: I am not proposing we specifically buy an Ultimaker. Someone with more 3D printing experience than I should really propose something here. I just noticed that the Ultimaker seemed to be very fast, reliable and accurate in early 2014 when I last researched this.
- ~$2,000 Sony CH350 3LCD 4000 Lumen WUXGA projector ( see Projector replacement or TV? )
- ~$1k worth of safety things: replacement fire extinguishers, new first aid kit suitable for heavy workshop, eye wash station, etc?
- security things? Mainly CCTV
- shield gas for the mig welder? Being a consumable it’s probably ineligible
Brainstorming ideas (please help me find better ideas that would benefit the entire MHV community rather than those of us interested in radio and software-defined-radio
- ~$3,000 Rigol 1.5GHz spectrum analyzer w/tracking generator - useful for testing performance of RF filters, for analyzing spurious emissions from our software defined (or any) radios. Price difference includes my estimated cost for VSWR bridge accessory, for analyzing antennas and cables -
- ~$380 HackRF -
- ~$2k ham radio battle station
- ~$2k for some 24hr accessible interactive educational display/artwork (Eg. a welcome robot and some screens showing hackerspace activities or WebSDR feeds or something?)
- ~$2k worth educational robotics kit things?