Can anyone help me organize some MHV stickers, posters or banners?

I was largely inspired by Ian.

Where did you get the spanner cog and screwdriver image , because I’m looking at doing a makercoin for those that attend the Can Pi Jam and i would like to use that image for the center of the makercoin.
, i found this on thingiverse Customizable Maker Coin
so any help would be greatfully accepted


If you have inkscape you can copy the vectorized logo out of the, @Rurik I think vectorized it from the png logos we had

Ok I’ll get hold of Inkscape and go from there, thank you (1.2 MB)

They should be in there

If not then this one (7.0 KB)

Wow I’m way late to the game. Just saw these. But yeah you guys did better than anything I’d come up with! Great work!

hi Ben
thats perfect thanks mate

The original can be found at

Hi Ian
Thank you for that